Do you remember that moment as a child or maybe you have children yourself and you are playing hide and seek with them for the first time. Do you remember the look of pure delight the first time you or they were found? The squeal of joy as the child is wrapped in the loving arms of someone they love and trust.
Or maybe you got lost and separated from your parents as a child. You were scared and desperate to be found, and then suddenly there they were running towards you with open arms and tear of gratefulness rain from your eyes as they gathered you into a tight embrace.
You’re probably wondering why I brought this up. I did it so that I could help you to understand the importance of the moment when we turn to Jesus and are no longer lost but found. Do you remember that feeling of being found? The pure joy of being wrapped in the arms of a loved one and reminded that you belong? What an incredible feeling it is!
That is what it is like when Jesus gets ahold of your life friends. You are no longer lost and broken looking for a way out. You are found! It reminds me of the parable of the lost sheep found in Luke 15. Within this parable we see a shepherd with 100 sheep, however one goes missing. The shepherd then leaves the 99 to go in search of the 1 lost sheep. He searches everywhere until he finds that sheep. Verse 6 tells us,
“When he arrives, he will call together his friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep’” (Luke 15:6, NLT).
We are that lost sheep and Jesus is the shepherd. He will always leave the 99 to search for us and bring us home. Jesus is the source of hope and joy that we chase after over and over. Only in and through Him can true joy and freedom be found. I love what Psalm 119:35 tells us,
“Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found” (Psalm 119:35, NLT).
Not only have we been found, we have also been called the children of God. Made into the sons and daughters of the most High King, which makes us royalty. We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, His chosen people. So, I want you to hold on to that feeling of being found for the first time. Remember how it felt and how you remember seeing the world around you after. Everything felt lighter and more full of light and life.
You are so love friends. You are found and you are loved!

Much love friends,
I am Found!!!!!!