As I sat down to write today I was reminded of the story found in 1 Samuel 3: 1-14, which in short tells the account of God calling out Samuel as a young boy. When Samuel heard the voice calling his name he thought it to be his mentor Eli, but Eli knew it was the Lord and instructed him on what to do.
I love what verse 10 says -
"And the Lord came and called as before, 'Samuel! Samuel!' And Samuel replied, 'Speak, your servant is listening."
I pray this is our response as well. Even though Samuel was unsure of what would happen, he choose to respond with an open mind and expectant heart. He could have chosen to harden his heart to the voice of God, but instead he choose to simply listen. I believe that if this generation made the same chose to simply listen to the voice of the Creator so much would change.
I once heard it said that our culture defines us, however, I believe that though this statement does carry some weight it is not entirely true. The choices of those around us, though they effect us, they do not define us. Our actions and choices do, we are more often then not, defined by how we respond to the world around us. As well as how we allow the culture around us to shape us. Which in turn leads to your worldview determining how you respond in every situation you end up in, so I guess the question is how do you view the world around you?
Do you look around and see only a sinful dying world? Or do you see a world in need of the saving grace only found in Christ? I believe that once you know how you see the world around you, it is just a matter of time before you start striving to do your part to change the world you live in. Here's the thing, we so often put of faith in our own abilities that we forget that what we can do is truly limited unless we allow God to use us for his plans and purposes.
Once we realize that we are all just a piece in the ever expanding puzzle called life, that's when we begin to see the change we want to see. When we in essence let go and let God take over life change and miracles follow.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that when we chose to stop and listen to that still small voice calling us by name, that is when our lives really begin.

Much love friends,
The great adventure....