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Journey to Abiding - Week 14: Gratitude

Writer: Alianna Alianna

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

Over the last few days I have been thinking a lot about all the times God has walked with me through the many seasons of life. Through the good seasons and through the bad, He has been right there with me through it all. Life can be extremely messy and hard, but just as seasons come and go life goes on. If you look up the word gratitude in the dictionary it means:

Gratitude: gratefulness, thankfulness, appreciation, thanks.

All throughout my life I have seen the faithfulness of God. He has walked with me through the mountaintop moments and through the dark valley's. He was with me in the dessert and through the chaotic oceans. He was right there when life felt like it was falling apart and He was there through the high moments of life.

No matter what life throws at us God is always right there with us. He goes before you and comes behind, there is no where we could ever run to escape His unending love and grace. It got me thinking about how no matter what life throws at us we don't have to be afraid. We can lean on Him for support no matter what. This is a shorter post, but I'll leave you with this:

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." - Numbers 6: 24-26

I love the beauty of this passage! I pray this over all of you and your families, your challenge this week is to remember the small things in life and show your gratitude to those around you.

You have a God-given uniqueness!

- Alianna C.


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