We are in the second week of our journey to abiding. I know we are just getting started in this journey together, but I am already so excited to get to grow in and strengthen my relationship with Christ as we go on this journey together. As I was thinking about what to write today, I kept coming back to a single thought. "What if we awakened a generation?" Before, I go any further I want to stop and explain.
When I say awaken a generation I'm not talking about waking someone from sleep, though in a sense that is kind of what we need to do. What I mean when I say wake up a generation is that it is time we stopped living in the past and in our regrets and began to live in the goodness and promises of God. Throughout scripture we see promise after promise given by God to His chosen people (us). I believe it is high time we start to live in those promises and wholeheartedly believe they are for us and that when God said it He meant it.
Generation after generation has sat on the sidelines and let the lies of the enemy keep us from walking out in the callings God has placed on our lives and I say ENOUGH! It is time for generations to stand. Stand up and be confident in who you have been created to be. Stand up and be proud of who you where made to be. Stand up and be who you are.
Scripture tells us in Romans 13:11, "Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed". My prayer is that we begin to see generations awaken and begin to live their lives completely devoted to Christ and with a renewed zeal for the things of Christ.
I want to quickly look back at the key verse for this series Ephesians 5:14 which tells us, "For anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you". I love this reminder that even in darkness nothing can be hidden, No matter what it is we may face or what we have had to walk through in the past it is so important that we remember that God is in control and He knows what we need and when we need it.
This weeks challenge is to find an area in your life where you can stand up and be who you where created to be unashamedly and stand for what you believe. I know it can be hard to stand up, but I promise you that when you begin to accept who you are it becomes easier to stand up for what you believe in.

As always remember you have a God-given uniqueness!
Shalom ~ Alianna
He knows what we need, even before we ask or think it. He helps us stand