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Journey to Abiding - Week 8: Enough

Writer: Alianna Alianna

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

Recently, I have found myself contemplating the age old questions - "I'm I enough? Is this enough?" I was thinking about how our culture tells us constantly that in order to be enough we have to be or act a certain way. We have to look a certain way and inevitable change most is not everything about ourselves.

Why? Why should we have to change who we are in order for our world to except us? Why can't we be excepted for who we are? The answer is actually a lot simpler than it would seem, we actually can be. The Bible tells us that we where created by God and for God, with a unique plan and purpose. When God made you, he said, I have chosen you and set you apart. You are my child and I love you more than you will ever know or understand.

So, if we are already so loved and cherished why do we live like we are trying to prove we are enough? There is something so special within each of us that the world is in desperate need of. We all have something to offer the world, something that is beautiful and brilliant. Something that only we can offer, a light just waiting to be let out.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. - 1 Peter 2:9

I love this reminder that we have been chosen and called worthy and loved, we all have a specific reason for being here and a light that shines from deep within. Now more than ever we need a generation of people to take a stand and be unapologetic in who they are and who they where created to be. It is time to stop letting others around us determine who we are and who we become. Stand up and be you! No one ever made a difference by being the same, so be different and be you, cause you're the only you out there!

It's okay to be different. Being who you where created to be should never be looked down upon, and it should not be the cause of embarrassment. You where created by God and for God, you are literally dripping with purpose. So, its time to stop being afraid and start actually living! Be you and be different.

"Remember you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine." — Snow White, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Your challenge this week is to take some time to rest, set aside your problems of the day and take a deep breath. Give yourself some grace and remember that you are so needed and loved! The light that is within you is precious and so needed in our world. You are always enough!

You have a God-given uniqueness!

~ Alianna C.

1 Comment

Chris Chestnut
Chris Chestnut
Sep 10, 2021

Always enough!!! Amen!!!

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