I love the story of Samuel’s first real encounter with God when he was just a young boy. In the middle of the night God calls out to Samuel. Samuel gets up and goes to Eli, thinking it was him who was calling him. This happens three times before Eli realizes that it is God calling the boy, so he tells Samuel to go and lie back down and if the voice calls him again to respond,
“Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” Samuel does just that and sure enough God calls out to him again, this time Samuel responds, “Speak, your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3).
It is my prayer that we would all respond in the same manner that Samuel did, that we would say ‘speak Lord, we are listening’. My hope is that when we hear His call we would respond with here I am ready and willing to listen. No matter what we may be feeling or going through that we would be ready for Him and His calling.
I wonder what would happen if we all responded to the call of God on our lives with “here I am Lord”, one thing I do know is that the world would be changed forever. Here’s a reminder to hold on to on days you feel down and out, remember you are loved, you are chosen, you are needed, and most importantly you are always enough!
In this crazy world it can be easy to listen to the lies of the enemy and forget who our Creators made us to be and who He calls us. Remember its not about having big self-confidence, its about having big God-confidence.
Once our God-confidence starts to grow it is only a matter of time before our hope is renewed and our strength is restored. I find it funny how life has a way of repeating itself in cycles. What I mean is, it seems like instead of learning from the past we make the same mistakes and choices over and over again. When what we should be doing is learning from previous experiences and growing through the trial instead of breaking.
I remember when I was diagnosed with cancer being so overwhelmed at time and all the feelings that came with that. Something that was surprising to me was the feeling I had of needing to be the strong one for the sake of my family and friends. I felt I had to keep it all together and be strong for them when all I really wanted to do was break down. I had a moment setting in my room listening to worship music when I was reminded it was not by my strength that I would make it through, but by the strength and glory of God.
I was reading my Bible and listening to YouTube when a song came on that stopped me in my tracks. The lyrics said, “I’ve seen you move; you move the mountains. And I believe I’ll see you do it again.” I was reminded in that moment, its never about what I can do, but what He can do in and through me.
This is a lesson I wish I had learned a long time ago; it would have saved me many tear-filled nights. However, I honestly believe that it is the seasons we walk through that shape us into the people we are and who we will become.
Our memories are a part of us whether they are good or bad, they mold and shape us throughout our lives. It doesn't matter what life may try to throw at you, as long as you hold tight to the promises of God you’ll make it through.
"But be doers of the Word, and not just hearers only, deceiving yourselves" (James 1:22)
What a mighty God we serve friends! He is good and He is kind and it is my prayer that you all would understand just how much He loves you.

Much love friends,