Rest is something that does not come easy for many of us. Life is often busy and chaotic, keeping us always on the go which can make it so hard to find moments of rest. For some of us the thought of rest or taking a break can feel wrong. I've been there and I understand. You get so used to going without taking breaks or taking a moment to rest that when you try to it almost feels like your doing something wrong.
Sometimes it feels like we have the weight of the world resting on our shoulders and it feels like rest is just a distant dream. Be encourage friend, Jesus can give you rest and He will be your rest. When life feels like its crushing you and rest seem out of reach, remember you can find rest in your creator. I love the reminder we are given when Jesus tells us that He will give us rest.
" Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." - Matthew 11:28-30
I love this promise. Jesus will give you rest, all you have to do is give Him your burdens and instead take up His which is light and easy. Jesus will be the rest you so desperately long for. He will be the peace in the middle of the storm, He will be the hope for the hopeless and the light in the darkness.
Not long ago, I found myself overwhelmed and ready to quite. Classes where overwhelming, my business was taking up any free time I had and what little time I had left in the day was being used to get even more work done. I sat down to eat a quick meal with my parents before getting back to work when my dad told me I needed a break. If I'm honest I think I needed someone else to notice and call me out for over working in order for me to actually realize just how desperately my body needed a day off.
Both my mom and dad had noticed my attitude and demeaner had began to change as a result of me being so stressed out and exhausted. I was working on class or new designs every day of the week with little breaks and it was starting to get to me, I was in need of rest. With there gentle reminder I took a few days and unplugged from my computer and most of my social media and simply rested.
One thing I realized while resting was the importance of rest. I also realized that by allowing myself to rest I allowed myself time to simply spend in the presence of my creator. I challenge you to set aside some time this week to just rest.

Much love friends,