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Life... Its crazy, but so Beautiful

Writer: Alianna Alianna

Life can be extremely messed up at times, we all go through those moments in life when it seems that the world has turned its back on us. Pushed us away to be forgotten by the world around us, but what if I told you that your life was created for so much more than the day-to-day hustle and bustle and craziness of this world. What if I told you there was hope for every situation you face. Life is such a precious thing, how we live our lives is directly impacted by what we place our faith and hope in.

If we take a step back and look at our lives in replay it wouldn’t take long to find one of those moments that shook us to the core. Looking back on my own life I can pinpoint numerous times in even just the last few years that my world was turned completely upside down. It’s these moments that we tend to crumble instead of looking toward the one person who can help us through all the crazy ups and downs we face.

The only way for us to get back up when the world knocks us down is to lean into the strength provided by Christ. I heard it said once that it is only when you cling to the promises of God and let His word define who you truly are that you will find the strength to truly live. In this crazy life it is so easy to let the lies of the enemy hold us back from the calling God has placed on our lives. It’s easy to believe the lies, but when it comes to believing what our creator says about us, we turn the other way.

I wonder what would happen if we as the children of God took a stand against the enemy and began to declare the word of the Lord over our own lives and the lives of those around us.

"The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life and life abundantly." - John 10:10

If there is one thing I have learned over the last few years its that no matter what the enemy throws my way as long as I am rooted in Christ, I will not be moved. Scripture reminds us that through Christ nothing is impossible, for no weapon formed against my soul will prosper in Jesus name! Because I am a child of God, the enemy has to flee when I speak His name.

There is nothing the enemy can throw at you that can keep you from the overwhelming, undeserving, inescapable love and mercy of God! Hold on to that truth and never forget that He is for you not against you. No weapon formed against you will ever prosper.

This week take some time to think about all the times God has walked with you through your darkest valleys and brought you through to the other side and remember you are so loved!

Much Love friends,




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