Loud, joyful, exuberant, and full of life. For many of us these are the qualities we use to define a life lived to the fullest, but I would argue that it is not just the exciting and good moments in life that create a full life. Every season we walk through plays a role in shaping us into the people we are and building our character. Whether the season is full of growth and joy or change and heartache, we grow and change being shaped by the environment surrounding us.
It is my hope for all of you that when it is all said and done we can look back and say we lived loud, we lived well, but most importantly we lived lives in pursuit of the heart of God and His ways. Scripture tells us to seek first His kingdom and it will be added to you, and that is my prayer for all of you. That you would seek out the kingdom of God and live lives devoted to living on mission sharing the gospel with everyone you come in contact with.
Our lives should be a living, breathing, walking representation of the gospel. We are the salt and light of the world. So live loud!
"The fact is, as believers, it is not about us. It is not about my happiness, my joy, my wellbeing. It is about the glory of God and the kingdom of Christ. The only means to real joy and contentment is to make His glory the supreme objective in my life." - Elisabeth Elliot
I love that quote from Elisabeth Elliot. It is a powerful testament to what living a life fully devoted to Christ means and how it should be lived. It is a prayer of mine that we would live our lives in this way. That we would realize that it is not about us and what we want, it is all about God and His glory and kingdom.
It is simply our jobs to bring others on this journey with us. To live unashamed and loud. To be a voice calling out to those around us and being a light, shining in a dark world. There is so much pain and destruction surrounding us from all sides, we are in desperate need of hope and light now more then ever. I love the reminder of this next verse.
"And the peace of god, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:7
I'll keep this short and simply remind you that you are uniquely you and there is no one else exactly just like you. You have something that the world desperately needs and only you can offer. Be you and be different. Your uniqueness is beautiful and a gift to those around you.
Hold you head up and remember to let the light of the gospel message shine bright within you so that everyone you come in contact with will see Jesus within you.

Live loud and be bold and gentle in all you do!
Much Love,