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Not self-confidence, but God-confidence...

The delicate balance of the changing seasons has always fascinated me. It got me thinking about the changing seasons we face as we walk through life. It seems like every time we start to get comfortable in the season we are in, we face a new and sometimes challenging season. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us,

"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven."

It can often seem like everything is going against us, when in reality it's just a season we are in. I know sometimes it seems like the hard seasons will never end, but be encouraged. Without the hard seasons the good seasons would lack some of there shine. What I mean by this is that sometimes we have to walk through the hard seasons to enjoy the good seasons. 

    A few years ago I walked through one of the hardest seasons of my life. I remember thinking 'will this season ever end?' I felt like I had reached the end of my rope, on the outside I seemed fine like I had everything under control, when in reality I was a mess inside. I trusted God to see me through the season, yet I was so afraid of all the unknowns I often felt alone. In reality I had a community surrounding me in prayer and support, but in the moment it seemed others were miles away. 

    It wasn't until I realized that as long as we are anchored in the word of God and the grace of our Savior we will always find the confidence to weather the ever-changing seasons. When we allow the holy Spirit to be our strength in every season we face, we finally find rest even in the storms. Sometimes we grow the most during the most difficult of storms. 

    I know it can be hard to remain confident when nothing seems to be going right, but I want to encourage you to hold tight to the promises of God and put your confidence in Him. You see it's not about having confidence in yourself to get you through these seasons. It's about having God-confidence. What that means is having confidence solely in God, and putting our faith in His capable hands. 

    If there was one piece of advice I could leave you with it would be this, when you place all your faith in our Savior He will help you weather every season you will ever face. I love what Proverbs 3:26 says,

"for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught."

Remember the more you read the word of God and and put your trust in Him the more you will grow your God-Confidence!

Much love friends,


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