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Redeemed? What does that mean?

Writer's picture: Alianna Alianna

The word redeemed literally means: to buy back, get or win back, to free from harm or distress. The concept of being redeemed confused me for a long time, the idea that you could do so many bad things and still be forgiven. It made little sense to me. I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that no matter what I do God has already forgiven me and He still calls me His own. This is something that I wish I had learned when I was younger, the fact that you are never too far gone to be redeemed.

I think it can be hard to understand the power of redemption when you grow up within the faith. I know that might be hard to understand but let me explain. I grew up in a Christian home and became a Christian at a very young age. I always just assumed that as long as I acted a certain way and believed the right things I would get to heaven. However, along with that idea came this fear that if I messed up that was it, I couldn’t be forgiven. I knew better, I wouldn’t desire forgiveness if I messed up.

What a lie! That couldn’t be further from the truth, redemption is not just for new believers. It is for everyone, everywhere, at all times. It doesn’t matter what your past looks like, what you’ve done or where you’ve been. When you become a Christ follower, all of that is wiped away and you become a new creation. I love the words pinned by the prophet Isaiah,

“But now, this is what the Lord, your creator says, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel. Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name: you are mine.” -Isaiah 43:1

I know I’ve mentioned this verse before, but it just holds so much power. You have been redeemed by the creator of the universe! Isn’t that amazing, that the creator of the universe would call you by name. He loves you so much that He longs for a relationship with you. It is my prayer that you would begin to see yourselves the way God sees all of you.

That you would be able to see just how loved and cherished you really are. It doesn’t matter what happened in the past or what you may be walking through at this very moment, you are not walking alone. You are walking with the creator, and He has everything under control, and He knows every hair on your head and every worry you have ever had.

When I began to understand what true redemption was, I realized that it doesn’t matter whether you grew up a Christian or if you are just now beginning your faith journey. Redemption is for you! The love of God is for you and so is the mercy and grace He has continuously poured out on us.

Redemption is for you!

It is my prayer that you would know that it doesn't matter what life throws your way, redemption is for you. When Jesus died on the cross, He died with you on His mind. There is no where you could ever run to escape His love and redemption. He is for you not against you, and He loves you so much!

Can you imagine someone loving you so much that He sent His only Son to take your place so that He can have a relationship with you for all eternity! There is an old song that says, "I am a friend of God, He calls me friend". I think this is in part what redemption is all about. Through redemption we are able to have relationship with Christ and be called a friend of God. Come on that's incredible! I love what John tells us,

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." - John 15:13

Redemption can be hard to understand, but it is so beautiful! It is because of redemption that I am able to share with you today and speak even ever so slightly into your lives. It is through the redemptive power of Christ that we are able to proudly say we are children of God.

So what is redemption? It is a beautiful gift, undeserved, but freely given. A gift bought with the blood of Jesus and freely given to us all. We could never deserve it and I think that is kind of the whole point. It is a gift poured out on us to remind us just how loved we all are.

Much Love friends,




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