I was recently reminded of the goodness of God in my own life. I have been mentally exhausted lately, and if I’m being honest I hadn’t really felt like taking the time to read my bible even though I knew I needed to. I’m willing to bet that some of you have found yourselves in this situation yourself on a few occasions. It was like I was stuck in a fog of sorts and unable to find my way out. Opening my Bible app on my phone I read a passage that stopped me in my tracks.
“God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it though?” -Numbers 23:19
I don’t know about you, but when I read those words it felt like a gut punch. It was one of those stop you in your tracks moments where I felt like God was saying ‘have I ever failed you?’.
Honestly, I was a bit ashamed in that moment. I was ashamed I had allowed circumstances to distract me and keep me from remembering that my God never fails to keep His promises. He has never once failed me, and He will not start now. He is good and He is kind. No matter what life may throw at us, we serve a good and faithful God friends. He will hold you firmly in His hand and guide you every step of the way. When you have Jesus, you have everything you could ever need. You are held firm in His hands, no matter the situation.
It is vital that we understand that we can do nothing in our own strength, but when Jesus comes into the picture there is no limit to what we can do. As long as our faith in anchored within the word of God we don’t have to worry. His plans for us are good and His mercies are new every morning. It doesn’t matter what is going on around us, when we know the one who holds tomorrow we have everything we could ever need. We don’t have to worry about what tomorrow will look like as long as we know the one who holds tomorrow. Hold firm to the promises of His word and watch as the piece begin to fall into place.
Throughout my life I have seen the goodness of God all around me.
I'm reminded of the song Goodness of God, the chorus says, "All my life you have been faithful. And all my life you have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God." How amazing is it that the creator of the universe, loves us so much He desires a relationship with us! It's incredible!
Next time life seems to be going the opposite of how you planned, look back and remember all the times you have seen the goodness of God along the way. He is for you and He loves you friends! Never forget the goodness of our God!
All my life He has been faithful and I pray the same for you.
Much Love Friends,