Have you ever had a scripture to jump out at you? That's exactly what happened to me today as I was reading through Psalms. I love how each time we read the Bible something new jumps out at us! Psalm 20 says,
"This I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. Some may trust in chariots some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."
How amazing is this verse! We are the chosen people of God, and his promises never fail. Even when you feel surrounded like the enemy is on all sides, victory is on the way! Our God is faithful and just and he is who he says he is. The enemy will run at his name, victory comes when we hold on to all of his promises because our God is unfailing.
That's why we can place all of our trust in Him, his ways are so much higher than our own and His love is everlasting. This verse reminds me that I can hold firm to the dreams He has placed in my heart, and the purpose He has written for my life. This I know that my God is bigger and strong than anything the enemy can throw my way for He is the Lord God Almighty!

Much love friends,