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Worship is our Weapon..

Writer's picture: Alianna Alianna

Worship isnt something we expect to find on the battlefield. Yet it is a weapon more powerful then most will ever realize. Throughout scriputre we see instance after instance where the muscians went out ahead of the soldiers and victory followed. I had a conversation recently that reminded me of the power of worship. When we worship and open our hearts to give and receive, we allow the Holy Spirit to come in and completely transform and renew our hearts and minds. Our worship is our battle cry, it is a weapon that the enemy cannot stand up against. When we worship we are communicating with the Creator of the universe in a way that is extremely powerful.

Music has a way of connecting with people in a way that not much else can. It can move us to extreme heights of emotion and resurrect distant memories with a single note. A melody can transport us back in time and allow us to relieve memories long forgotten. It can connect us in so many ways both for better or for worse. With the craziness going on around the world, it is so important that we find ourselves down on our knees in worship and prayer.

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." - Colossians 3:16

Throughout scripture we are told to worship the Lord with all our heart, mind and spirit and I believe when we completely surrender and allow God to do what only He can do, then and only then will we see real and transformational change happen in this world.

It doesn't stop with worship though, scripture tells us that if God's people will come together and pray, He will hear their prayer and heal their lands. I believe this promise to be true and I pray that you do too.

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14

With all the craziness that is going on in our world today, it is so important that we trust God to do what only He can. We can pray and trust that He has everything under control. In the darkest days I have walked through the only thing that kept me going and gave me the peace of mind to continue on was knowing that my God has already defeated the enemy and He holds me in the palm of His hand.

I desperately hope that you understand just how important you are to our Creator. You have a unique purpose and a destiny marked out for your life that is unique to you. You are a child of the most high and that means so much. You don't have to be afraid of what is happening around you. When you step out into faith and believe that God is completely in control I think there is a loss of the ordinary. See, when God becomes the center guiding force in your life you step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. Life begins to look different with each day.

When I sat down to pray over this post I kept being reminded of the blessing written in Numbers 6, I want to leave you with these verses and a reminder that you never walk alone.

"May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace." -Numbers 6:24-26

Life is so much better with you in it! Remember you never walk alone and you are loved!

Much Love,




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