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Worship shifts our focus...

Writer's picture: Alianna Alianna

I don't know about you, but I have definitely faced my share of fear and worry over the years. Sometimes the fear and worry can make it seem like there is no escape and all we can do sit there frozen in fear. I love how David reminded himself to find joy in the Lord.

“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again – my Savior and my God!” (Psalm 42:11. NLT).

What a powerful reminder. Our emotions will lie to us and try to steal our focus off what really matters and put our focus on the things that are completely out of our control. Open your mouth and praise Him in the midst of your sorrow, in the midst of your chaos, in the midst of your joy, in the midst of your mountain top moments.

No matter what’s going on around you begin to proclaim His goodness over your life and I promise you it will change the way you see the world around you and your current circumstance. There is nothing our God cannot do friends and no mountain to high or valley too deep to keep His love and mercy from reaching you. His love is everlasting!

Something incredible happens when we take our focus off the things of this world and fix it back on the one that really matters. Putting all distractions aside and reminding ourselves who our God is. I love what Psalms 100:2 tells us,

"Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy" (Psalms 100:2. NLT).

There is nothing that our God cannot do friends, He is good, and He is kind. No matter what the world throws at you remember you are so loved. There is a plan and a purpose on each of your lives. He is for you not against you, and His love will never fail!

The fact that our God is for us and not against us and that He loves us with an everlasting love is a truth that honestly still amazes me. Knowing that my savior loves me so much He willingly died on the cross in my place so that I could spend eternity with Him, wow!

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying" (Romans 12:12. NLT).

So the next time you are struggling with feeling overwhelmed by fear and worry. Just take a moment and remind yourself to worship. Worship in the midst of the chaos. Worship in the midst of the noise. Worship in the midst of the worry. Worship in the midst of the fear. Just worship. I promise you that it will be worth it. Our God is good and He is faithful!

Much love friends,




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